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with Sylvia Bardoel




Sylvia became a Reiki Master in 2005, was certified to teach Reiki in 2013, and has been teaching classes ever since. She has initiated over 60 Reiki Masters and has taught many levels 1 & 2 classes for people who are sensitive to energy and just wish to learn and understand it. She graduated from NIMT in 2011 and after 2 years of massage decided to offer Massage and Reiki treatments combined. Working in Chiropractic offices for the last 5 years, she has done thousands of reiki treatments, and has seen the powerful healing benefits of Reiki. Learning Reiki is a beautiful skill for anyone seeking more peace and balance in their lives. 



Usui Reiki Levels 1 & 2        Dates:   TBA

Course runs from 10-5 Saturday and Sunday with a 1hr lunch break each day. 

In Reiki 1 & 2 we learn the history of Reiki, basic workings of the Chakras and the energy and emotional connection they represent within the body. We learn the layers of the energy field and how we work with them using Reiki energy. Basic meditation and breath work are also included in this course to promote the importance of selfcare and grounding. On the first day (Reiki 1) students are attuned to 2 reiki symbols connecting them to the energy of empowerment and emotional and mental balancing. They are given a structured outline on how to channel the energy and practice doing their first Reiki treatments. Reiki 2 involves another attunement to the distant healing symbol, students learn to do Reiki treatments from a distance as well as treatments on the past, present, and future. Students are also taught in depth self healing techniques. 

On completion of this course, students will be certified as Usui Reiki 2 practitioners. They will not only have the skill and confidence to give Reiki treatments, they will also have a clear understanding of the basic movement of energy and how to work with it. 

Cost: $385 

Dates: TBA 



Usui Reiki Levels 3 & Masters      Dates:  TBA

Course runs from 10-5 Saturday and Sunday with a 1hr lunch break each day. 

Prerequisite: Reiki levels 1 & 2 with a min of 3 months between courses and 50 treatments given. 

In Reiki 3 & Masters we learn how our thoughts and emotions are connected and how those energies affect our physical bodies. More in depth breathing and meditation techniques are practiced to help move and balance these energies. Students are attuned to the Usui Master Symbol which creates a much stronger channel between the physical and higher self. It also intensifies and enhances all qualities of Reiki energy. Students learn how to give emotional blocks, physical qualities. This allows a mental connection, helping to identify and release stress, trauma, and stagnant energy. Students are taught how to use a Reiki Grid which aids in sending continuous Reiki energy to a person who needs ongoing assistance. During this weekend, students are also attuned to Reiki symbols for grounding and stabilizing, and for focusing reiki energy for specific purposes. Instruction on how to give a Reiki healing attunement is also covered. 

On completion of this course students will be certified as Usui Reiki Masters. They will have a much higher level of skill and intuition as well as many more in depth techniques to offer clients. 

Cost: $385 

Dates: TBA 



Please email to register for classes.


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