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with Anita Adrain


How would you like to experience more joy, love, harmony & peace in any or all aspects of your life? Is there an area right now that you are having some challenges with, possibly in terms of health, wealth, relationships or career? When you "consciously" become aware of your environment (your home or workspace) and apply the principles we will share with you, amazing things begin to happen, almost like magic! "Simply" learning and understanding the ancient principles of Feng Shui can improve you life, but don't just take my word for it, experience it for yourself.


Learn how to Reduce Stress! 

Using the Ancient principles of Feng Shui.

Are you ready to shift your Energy to create the Life you truly desire and deserve? 

Are you feeling stressed out or stuck in any area of your life?  

You may be out of sync or out of alignment with the universal flow of abundant energy.

“Change your Frequency, Change your Life”

A very good place to start to change your frequency is in the home. An area that is often overlooked as a source of energy that has the power to enhance your life or keep you stuck.

The intimate space that holds all your life’s treasures, the place you call home. Consider how much time you spend in your home environment, 30-50% of your life? 

Wouldn’t it make sense then to focus some attention to ensure the energetic flow of the home is in alignment with your deepest desires?

The Inner World (your thoughts, emotions) truly are connected and reflected in the Outer World (your home environment). 

Simply by becoming consciously aware of your environment and recognizing the energetic influences that envelop you every day, can you then begin to move forward in every aspect of your life. You can have a renewed sense of vitality and vigor that will move you closer to your goals and aspirations. 

Feng Shui is “Simply” the study of Energy within your environment and the effects of energy impacting you either positively or not so positively.

Recognizing which forces are depleting your energy and which ones are supporting and enhancing your energy. When you become consciously aware of your environment you can create a healthy, peaceful and dynamic flow of energy that supports all aspects of your life. 

Are you ready to increase your “VIBE” in 2018?

  • Learn how to enhance the “Chi” to increase positive flow in your home

  • Learn how to use the “Treasure Map” to activate the CHI in all aspects of your life, be it health, wealth, relationships and more.

  • Understand how your possessions are saying a lot more than you currently think. 

  • Gain powerful tools to help you finally let go of what no longer serves you.

  • Learn and understand the importance of furniture placement and the power of the 4-directions

  • Take a "deep dive" into the 5 elements of nature to effectively increase the positive energy in your home

  • Find out your "Personal Element Essence" and learn how to use it to your benefit in the controlling or nourishing cycle

  • Learn how to Feng Shui your Intimate Space to enhance your personal wellbeing

  • Learn how to “space clear” making every room FEEL clean

Register today and discover how "Feng Shui" can make a lasting impression and create results in every area of your life.

I guarantee you will “CHI” things with a New View and your life will be enhanced as result of learning the Ancient Principles of Feng Shui.


This 4-hour interactive workshop is held in a classroom setting and will give you the tools to recognize “what’s going on out there is going on in here” and how you can change your environment to support the results your desire.

In Workshop Level I, you will:

  • Learn how to enhance the “Chi” to increase positive flow in your home

  • Learn how to use the “treasure map”.

  • Understand how your possessions are saying a lot more than you currently think.

  • Receive an introduction to the 5-elements of nature

  • Learn how to effectively increase your personal energy


Have you noticed that more people have a smile on their face when the sun is shining? Do you see more of your neighbors out walking, children out playing when it is a beautiful day? 

People become happier because the Sun is warming their hearts.That’s how powerful Mother Nature is, and you can learn how to harness that same energy in your home, getting similar results no matter what the weather outside is like. For example, the sun is considered “fire” energy, and when in balance with the other 4-elements in the nourishing cycle, the home's occupants naturally feel more at ease.

We invite you to create this environment in your own home as you embark on the journey of discovering the 5-elements, in the Feng Shui Workshop Level II:"The Inner World is Connected to the Outer World". The insights gained from attending the Level II workshop will further enhance your understanding of Feng Shui and how to apply the Ancient principles in your life.

In this Workshop we will:

  • Review principles of Workshop Level I (previously attended)

  • Enhance your understanding and USE of the Treasure Map, the next layer revealed

  • Learn and understand the importance of furniture placement and the power of the 4-directions

  • Take a "deep dive" into the 5 elements of nature and how to effectively increase the positive energy in your home

  • Find out your "Personal Element Essence" and learn how to use it to your benefit in the controlling or nourishing cycle

  • Learn how to Feng Shui your Intimate Space to enhance your personal wellbeing

  • Learn how to “space clear” making every room FEEL clean

What would you change in your life today if you had a magic wand? 

Would you create a healthier body?
Would you create prosperity?
Would you choose a different Career path? 

What ever it is for you, Feng Shui Level #2 can increase your chances of success in ALL areas of your life! Come join us and learn how "Feng Shui" can make a lasting impression and create results in every area of your life. 

I am pleased to welcome Joanne Ward to help me present these life-changing principles of the Five Element Theory to you. In the early 2000's Joanne was a client of mine. Learning about Feng Shui ignited a desire to learn more and she became certified as a Fashion Feng Shui consultant. You will love her "energy" as she shares her passion of helping you to see and look your best.


You are intimately connected to your home and all the possessions that reside within it's walls. It is vitally important to ensure your home has the best "vibe" possible, ensuring all the home's occupants are nourished with positive CHI in every room. 
Have you ever gone to a chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist or other alternative health care practitioner? They are trained to work on the meridians of the body to clear energy blocks to improve your over all health and well being. A Feng Shui Home Evaluation is similar to that. Like your body,  your home has energy meridians that can some times have stuck or blocked energy. 
As an essential Feng Shui practitioner, I am trained to help identify and remedy these blockages to help you create a space in your home that supports all aspects of your life. Having an in depth Feng Shui evaluation of your home can align you with the results you desire, in any or all of these areas and more.
Our online platform allows us the flexibility and technology to view your home and record the session anytime that is convenient for you! You will receive a very comprehensive, yet easy to understand and apply, evaluation of your home, along with a complete recording of the session, applicable learning tools and follow up. Let the Feng Shui journey begin, book your private home evaluation today.


Level I Workshop + Level II Workshop + Feng Shui Home Evaluation

ARE YOU READY to embark on a journey of self-discovery looking through the lenses of your Feng Shui eyes? When you learn the Ancient principles of Feng Shui Level I and II you will be empowered to take action by applying all that you've learned to your environment. 

Many of my students, however, have continued to enhance their environments buy purchasing the Feng Shui Home Evaluation.  
I want to make it "simple" for you, and when you decide to click ONE button you will save!

You get all 3 for one Price.

Workshop Level I, Workshop Level II 

(8 hours of life changing information)

AND a Virtual In-Home Feng Shui Evaluation (1-2 hours)


You have to make a decision now!

Pre-pay for all 3 for and have the flexibility to take the workshops on the dates that suit you best. SAVE over $150

This offer is for those people who have a deep knowing-ness or intuition that they are ready for change and believe that learning Feng Shui will be the catalyst they have been searching for (it was that way for me).


Information coming soon.


Anita is available to be your guide as she facilitates "The Western School of Feng Shui Practitioner Certification Training Program" twice a year! Students have the opportunity to travel from anywhere in Canada or the US to beautiful Sylvan Lake to learn in a classroom setting.

You can get started today!


$$ in appreciation

Information coming soon. 

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Anita is a master in 'seeing' what we may not see. Her seminar was very helpful for my business. Now I can see the 'simple' things that I was unable to see before. I even feel more confident with my clients which is a true gift. Thanks again!

Nolin Maurier

Reality Experts Group

If you are looking for an interesting way to spend your afternoon, I highly recommend attending Anita's Simply Put Feng Shui Workshops. You will develop a new understanding of why certain things may feel a certain way and learn excellent tools to help you get the vibration or energy flowing in your home harmoniously. Anita's workshops are fun, informative, and well worth your time and investment!

Carol Uchytil

Inuitive Artist, Publisher and Conscious Creator

“I wanted to say thank you again for your amazing workshop and sharing your talent. I felt that I was lost and had lost my way, but feel so energized after your amazing course”

I didn't realize what I needed until I attended this course today. I keep looking around my life and now I understand why I am where I am. Through this course [Feng Shui Workshop Level II] I know how to fix it and reach my potential.

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